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Customer Reviews and Feedback

We recieve so much feedback from customers reviewing our products, that we have decided to share what some of our customers have to say. If you have an abba product, and would like to have your say, you can leave a review below.

Customer Reviews of the abba Wheel Spin

  • Wheel Spin
    Wheel Spin review

    I ordered an Abba Wheel Spin back in June of this year and thought you'd like to know that I am very happy with my purchase. It does what it says on the tin! Simple to use and small enough not to take up too much room in the mother-in-law's garage. I tried to be a cheap skate and bought a similarly named product previous to dealing with yourselves only to find it was cheaply made and could not deal with the weight of my Bonny (featured in MCN, Classic Bike and TWO, oh yes). It was too small and awkward to set-up. About as useful as the bottom half of a mermaid! I regularly use the Abba Wheel Spin to clean my lovely alloy wheels and clean/adjust the chain. This necessary but often tedious chore is now quicker, cleaner and easier allowing this bad boy to ride his bike sooner. Well done Abba.

    Mr M. Lewis, Kent

    Triumph Bonneville

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